Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018, CS GROUP - France,
# This file is part of EODAG project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

import hashlib
import logging
import os
import shutil
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import sleep
from typing import (

from eodag.plugins.base import PluginTopic
from eodag.utils import (
from eodag.utils.exceptions import (
from eodag.utils.notebook import NotebookWidgets

    from requests.auth import AuthBase

    from eodag.api.product import EOProduct
    from eodag.api.search_result import SearchResult
    from eodag.config import PluginConfig
    from eodag.types.download_args import DownloadConf
    from eodag.utils import DownloadedCallback, Unpack

logger = logging.getLogger("")

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class Download(PluginTopic): """Base Download Plugin. A Download plugin has two download methods that it must implement: - ``download``: download a single :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` - ``download_all``: download multiple products from a :class:`~eodag.api.search_result.SearchResult` They must: - download data in the ``outputs_prefix`` folder defined in the plugin's configuration or passed through kwargs - extract products from their archive (if relevant) if ``extract`` is set to True (True by default) - save a product in an archive/directory (in ``outputs_prefix``) whose name must be the product's ``title`` property - update the product's ``location`` attribute once its data is downloaded (and eventually after it's extracted) to the product's location given as a file URI (e.g. 'file:///tmp/product_folder' on Linux or 'file:///C:/Users/username/AppData/LOcal/Temp' on Windows) - save a *record* file in the directory ``outputs_prefix/.downloaded`` whose name is built on the MD5 hash of the product's ``product_type`` and ``properties['id']`` attributes (``hashlib.md5((product.product_type+"-"['id']).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()``) and whose content is the product's ``remote_location`` attribute itself. - not try to download a product whose ``location`` attribute already points to an existing file/directory - not try to download a product if its *record* file exists as long as the expected product's file/directory. If the *record* file only is found, it must be deleted (it certainly indicates that the download didn't complete) :param provider: An eodag providers configuration dictionary :type provider: dict :param config: Path to the user configuration file :type config: str """ def __init__(self, provider: str, config: PluginConfig) -> None: super(Download, self).__init__(provider, config) self._authenticate = bool(getattr(self.config, "authenticate", False))
[docs] def download( self, product: EOProduct, auth: Optional[Union[AuthBase, Dict[str, str]]] = None, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, wait: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT, timeout: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs: Unpack[DownloadConf], ) -> Optional[str]: r""" Base download method. Not available, it must be defined for each plugin. :param product: The EO product to download :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :param auth: (optional) authenticated object :type auth: Optional[Union[AuthBase, Dict[str, str]]] :param progress_callback: (optional) A progress callback :type progress_callback: :class:`~eodag.utils.ProgressCallback` :param wait: (optional) If download fails, wait time in minutes between two download tries :type wait: int :param timeout: (optional) If download fails, maximum time in minutes before stop retrying to download :type timeout: int :param kwargs: `outputs_prefix` (str), `extract` (bool), `delete_archive` (bool) and `dl_url_params` (dict) can be provided as additional kwargs and will override any other values defined in a configuration file or with environment variables. :type kwargs: Union[str, bool, dict] :returns: The absolute path to the downloaded product in the local filesystem (e.g. '/tmp/' on Linux or 'C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\' on Windows) :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError( "A Download plugin must implement a method named download" )
def _stream_download_dict( self, product: EOProduct, auth: Optional[Union[AuthBase, Dict[str, str]]] = None, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, wait: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT, timeout: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs: Unpack[DownloadConf], ) -> StreamResponse: r""" Base _stream_download_dict method. Not available, it must be defined for each plugin. :param product: The EO product to download :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :param auth: (optional) authenticated object :type auth: Optional[Union[AuthBase, Dict[str, str]]] :param progress_callback: (optional) A progress callback :type progress_callback: :class:`~eodag.utils.ProgressCallback` :param wait: (optional) If download fails, wait time in minutes between two download tries :type wait: int :param timeout: (optional) If download fails, maximum time in minutes before stop retrying to download :type timeout: int :param kwargs: `outputs_prefix` (str), `extract` (bool), `delete_archive` (bool) and `dl_url_params` (dict) can be provided as additional kwargs and will override any other values defined in a configuration file or with environment variables. :type kwargs: Union[str, bool, dict] :returns: Dictionnary of :class:`~fastapi.responses.StreamingResponse` keyword-arguments :rtype: dict """ raise NotImplementedError( "Download streaming must be implemented using a method named _stream_download_dict" ) def _prepare_download( self, product: EOProduct, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, **kwargs: Unpack[DownloadConf], ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Check if file has already been downloaded, and prepare product download :param product: The EO product to download :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :param progress_callback: (optional) A progress callback :type progress_callback: :class:`~eodag.utils.ProgressCallback` or None :returns: fs_path, record_filename :rtype: Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]] """ if product.location != product.remote_location: fs_path = uri_to_path(product.location) # The fs path of a product is either a file (if 'extract' config is False) or a directory if os.path.isfile(fs_path) or os.path.isdir(fs_path): f"Product already present on this platform. Identifier: {fs_path}", ) # Do not download data if we are on site. Instead give back the absolute path to the data return fs_path, None url = product.remote_location if not url: logger.debug( f"Unable to get download url for {product}, skipping download", ) return None, None f"Download url: {url}", ) outputs_prefix = ( kwargs.pop("outputs_prefix", None) or getattr(self.config, "outputs_prefix", tempfile.gettempdir()) or tempfile.gettempdir() ) outputs_extension = kwargs.get("outputs_extension", None) or getattr( self.config, "outputs_extension", ".zip" ) # Strong asumption made here: all products downloaded will be zip files # If they are not, the '.zip' extension will be removed when they are downloaded and returned as is prefix = os.path.abspath(outputs_prefix) sanitized_title = sanitize(["title"]) if sanitized_title ==["title"]: collision_avoidance_suffix = "" else: collision_avoidance_suffix = "-" + sanitize(["id"]) fs_path = os.path.join( prefix, f"{sanitize(['title'])}{collision_avoidance_suffix}{outputs_extension}", ) fs_dir_path = ( fs_path.replace(outputs_extension, "") if outputs_extension else fs_path ) download_records_dir = os.path.join(prefix, ".downloaded") try: os.makedirs(download_records_dir) except OSError as exc: import errno if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: # Skip error if dir exists import traceback as tb logger.warning( f"Unable to create records directory. Got:\n{tb.format_exc()}", ) record_filename = os.path.join( download_records_dir, self.generate_record_hash(product) ) if os.path.isfile(record_filename) and os.path.isfile(fs_path): f"Product already downloaded: {fs_path}", ) return ( self._finalize(fs_path, progress_callback=progress_callback, **kwargs), None, ) elif os.path.isfile(record_filename) and os.path.isdir(fs_dir_path): f"Product already downloaded: {fs_dir_path}", ) return ( self._finalize( fs_dir_path, progress_callback=progress_callback, **kwargs ), None, ) # Remove the record file if fs_path is absent (e.g. it was deleted while record wasn't) elif os.path.isfile(record_filename): logger.debug( f"Record file found ({record_filename}) but not the actual file", ) logger.debug( f"Removing record file : {record_filename}", ) os.remove(record_filename) return fs_path, record_filename
[docs] def generate_record_hash(self, product: EOProduct) -> str: """Generate the record hash of the given product. The MD5 hash is built from the product's ``product_type`` and ``properties['id']`` attributes (``hashlib.md5((product.product_type+"-"['id']).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()``) :param product: The product to calculate the record hash :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :returns: The MD5 hash :rtype: str """ # In some unit tests, `product.product_type` is `None` and `["id"]` is `ìnt` product_hash = str(product.product_type) + "-" + str(["id"]) return hashlib.md5(product_hash.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
def _resolve_archive_depth(self, product_path: str) -> str: """Update product_path using archive_depth from provider configuration. Handle depth levels in the product archive. For example, if the downloaded archive was extracted to: ``/top_level/product_base_dir`` and ``archive_depth`` was configured to 2, the product location will be ``/top_level/product_base_dir``. WARNING: A strong assumption is made here: there is only one subdirectory per level :param product_path: The path to the extracted product :type product_path: str :returns: The path to the extracted product with the right depth :rtype: str """ archive_depth = getattr(self.config, "archive_depth", 1) count = 1 while count < archive_depth: product_path = os.path.join(product_path, os.listdir(product_path)[0]) count += 1 return product_path def _finalize( self, fs_path: str, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, **kwargs: Unpack[DownloadConf], ) -> str: """Finalize the download process. :param fs_path: The path to the local zip archive downloaded or already present :type fs_path: str :param progress_callback: (optional) A progress callback :type progress_callback: :class:`~eodag.utils.ProgressCallback` or None :returns: The absolute path to the product :rtype: str """ # progress bar init if progress_callback is None: progress_callback = ProgressCallback( unit="file", unit_scale=False, position=2, ) # one shot progress callback to close after download close_progress_callback = True else: close_progress_callback = False progress_callback.unit = "file" progress_callback.unit_scale = False progress_callback.refresh() extract = kwargs.pop("extract", None) extract = ( extract if extract is not None else getattr(self.config, "extract", True) ) if not extract:"Extraction not activated. The product is available as is.") progress_callback(1, total=1) return fs_path delete_archive = kwargs.pop("delete_archive", None) delete_archive = ( delete_archive if delete_archive is not None else getattr(self.config, "delete_archive", True) ) outputs_extension = kwargs.pop("outputs_extension", ".zip") product_path = ( fs_path[: fs_path.index(outputs_extension)] if outputs_extension in fs_path else fs_path ) product_path_exists = os.path.exists(product_path) if product_path_exists and os.path.isfile(product_path): f"Remove existing partially downloaded file: {product_path}" f" ({os.stat(product_path).st_size}/{os.stat(fs_path).st_size})" ) os.remove(product_path) elif ( product_path_exists and os.path.isdir(product_path) and len(os.listdir(product_path)) == 0 ):"Remove existing empty destination directory: {product_path}") os.rmdir(product_path) elif ( product_path_exists and os.path.isdir(product_path) and len(os.listdir(product_path)) > 0 ): f"Extraction cancelled, destination directory already exists and is not empty: {product_path}" ) progress_callback(1, total=1) return product_path outputs_prefix = ( kwargs.pop("outputs_prefix", None) or self.config.outputs_prefix ) if not os.path.exists(product_path):"Extraction activated") progress_callback.desc = ( f"Extracting files from {os.path.basename(fs_path)}" ) progress_callback.refresh() outputs_dir = os.path.join(outputs_prefix, product_path) tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() extraction_dir = os.path.join(, os.path.basename(outputs_dir)) if fs_path.endswith(".zip"): with zipfile.ZipFile(fs_path, "r") as zfile: fileinfos = zfile.infolist() progress_callback.reset(total=len(fileinfos)) for fileinfo in fileinfos: zfile.extract( fileinfo, path=extraction_dir, ) progress_callback(1) # in some cases, only a lone file is extracted without being in a directory # then, we create a directory in which we place this file product_extraction_path = self._resolve_archive_depth(extraction_dir) if os.path.isfile(product_extraction_path) and not os.path.isdir( outputs_dir ): os.makedirs(outputs_dir) shutil.move(product_extraction_path, outputs_dir) elif fs_path.endswith(".tar") or fs_path.endswith(".tar.gz"): with, "r") as zfile: progress_callback.reset(total=1) zfile.extractall(path=extraction_dir) progress_callback(1) # in some cases, only a lone file is extracted without being in a directory # then, we create a directory in which we place this file product_extraction_path = self._resolve_archive_depth(extraction_dir) if os.path.isfile(product_extraction_path) and not os.path.isdir( outputs_dir ): os.makedirs(outputs_dir) shutil.move(product_extraction_path, outputs_dir) else: progress_callback(1, total=1) tmp_dir.cleanup() if delete_archive:"Deleting archive {os.path.basename(fs_path)}") os.unlink(fs_path) else: f"Archive deletion is deactivated, keeping {os.path.basename(fs_path)}" ) else: progress_callback(1, total=1) # close progress bar if needed if close_progress_callback: progress_callback.close() return product_path
[docs] def download_all( self, products: SearchResult, auth: Optional[Union[AuthBase, Dict[str, str]]] = None, downloaded_callback: Optional[DownloadedCallback] = None, progress_callback: Optional[ProgressCallback] = None, wait: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_WAIT, timeout: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT, **kwargs: Unpack[DownloadConf], ) -> List[str]: """ Base download_all method. This specific implementation uses the :meth:`` method implemented by the plugin to **sequentially** attempt to download products. :param products: Products to download :type products: :class:`~eodag.api.search_result.SearchResult` :param auth: (optional) authenticated object :type auth: Optional[Union[AuthBase, Dict[str, str]]] :param downloaded_callback: (optional) A method or a callable object which takes as parameter the ``product``. You can use the base class :class:`~eodag.api.product.DownloadedCallback` and override its ``__call__`` method. Will be called each time a product finishes downloading :type downloaded_callback: Callable[[:class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct`], None] or None :param progress_callback: (optional) A progress callback :type progress_callback: :class:`~eodag.utils.ProgressCallback` :param wait: (optional) If download fails, wait time in minutes between two download tries :type wait: int :param timeout: (optional) If download fails, maximum time in minutes before stop retrying to download :type timeout: int :param kwargs: `outputs_prefix` (str), `extract` (bool), `delete_archive` (bool) and `dl_url_params` (dict) can be provided as additional kwargs and will override any other values defined in a configuration file or with environment variables. :type kwargs: Union[str, bool, dict] :returns: List of absolute paths to the downloaded products in the local filesystem (e.g. ``['/tmp/']`` on Linux or ``['C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\']`` on Windows) :rtype: list """ # Products are going to be removed one by one from this sequence once # downloaded. products = products[:] paths: List[str] = [] # initiate retry loop start_time = stop_time = start_time + timedelta(minutes=timeout) nb_products = len(products) retry_count = 0 # another output for notbooks nb_info = NotebookWidgets() for product in products: product.next_try = start_time # progress bar init if progress_callback is None: progress_callback = ProgressCallback( total=nb_products, unit="product", desc="Downloaded products", unit_scale=False, ) product_progress_callback = None else: product_progress_callback = progress_callback.copy() progress_callback.reset(total=nb_products) progress_callback.unit = "product" progress_callback.desc = "Downloaded products" progress_callback.unit_scale = False progress_callback.refresh() with progress_callback as bar: while "Loop until all products are download or timeout is reached": # try downloading each product before retry for idx, product in enumerate(products): if >= product.next_try: products[idx].next_try += timedelta(minutes=wait) try: paths.append( progress_callback=product_progress_callback, wait=wait, timeout=-1, **kwargs, ) ) if downloaded_callback: downloaded_callback(product) # product downloaded, to not retry it products.remove(product) bar(1) # reset stop time for next product stop_time = + timedelta(minutes=timeout) except NotAvailableError as e: continue except (AuthenticationError, MisconfiguredError): logger.exception( f"Stopped because of credentials problems with provider {self.provider}" ) raise except RuntimeError: import traceback as tb logger.error( f"A problem occurred during download of product: {product}. " "Skipping it" ) logger.debug(f"\n{tb.format_exc()}") stop_time = except Exception: import traceback as tb logger.warning( f"A problem occurred during download of product: {product}. " "Skipping it", ) logger.debug(f"\n{tb.format_exc()}") if ( len(products) > 0 and < products[0].next_try and < stop_time ): wait_seconds = (products[0].next_try - retry_count += 1 info_message = ( f"[Retry #{retry_count}, {nb_products - len(products)}/{nb_products} D/L] " f"Waiting {wait_seconds}s until next download try (retry every {wait}' for {timeout}')" ) nb_info.display_html(info_message) sleep(wait_seconds + 1) elif len(products) > 0 and >= stop_time: logger.warning( f"{len(products)} products could not be downloaded: " + str([["title"] for prod in products]) ) break elif len(products) == 0: break return paths
def _download_retry( self, product: EOProduct, wait: int, timeout: int ) -> Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]]: """ Download retry decorator. Retries the wrapped download method after `wait` minutes if a NotAvailableError exception is thrown until `timeout` minutes. :param product: The EO product to download :type product: :class:`~eodag.api.product._product.EOProduct` :param wait: If download fails, wait time in minutes between two download tries :type wait: int :param timeout: If download fails, maximum time in minutes before stop retrying to download :type timeout: int :returns: decorator :rtype: Callable[[Callable[..., T]], Callable[..., T]] """ def decorator(download: Callable[..., T]) -> Callable[..., T]: def download_and_retry(*args: Any, **kwargs: Unpack[DownloadConf]) -> T: # initiate retry loop start_time = stop_time = start_time + timedelta(minutes=timeout) product.next_try = start_time retry_count = 0 not_available_info = "The product could not be downloaded" # another output for notebooks nb_info = NotebookWidgets() while "Loop until products download succeeds or timeout is reached": datetime_now = if datetime_now >= product.next_try: product.next_try += timedelta(minutes=wait) try: return download(*args, **kwargs) except NotAvailableError as e: if not getattr(self.config, "order_enabled", False): raise NotAvailableError( f"Product is not available for download and order is not supported for" f" {self.provider}, {e}" ) not_available_info = str(e) if datetime_now >= product.next_try and datetime_now < stop_time: wait_seconds = ( datetime_now - product.next_try + timedelta(minutes=wait) ).seconds retry_count += 1 retry_info = ( f"[Retry #{retry_count}] Waited {wait_seconds}s, trying again to download ordered product" f" (retry every {wait}' for {timeout}')" ) # Retry-After info from Response header if hasattr(self, "stream"): retry_server_info = "Retry-After", "" ) if retry_server_info: logger.debug( f"[{self.provider} response] Retry-After: {retry_server_info}" ) logger.debug(retry_info) nb_info.display_html(retry_info) product.next_try = datetime_now elif datetime_now < product.next_try and datetime_now < stop_time: wait_seconds = (product.next_try - datetime_now).seconds + ( product.next_try - datetime_now ).microseconds / 1e6 retry_count += 1 retry_info = ( f"[Retry #{retry_count}] Waiting {wait_seconds}s until next download try" f" for ordered product (retry every {wait}' for {timeout}')" ) # Retry-After info from Response header if hasattr(self, "stream"): retry_server_info = "Retry-After", "" ) if retry_server_info: logger.debug( f"[{self.provider} response] Retry-After: {retry_server_info}" ) logger.debug(retry_info) nb_info.display_html(retry_info) sleep(wait_seconds) elif datetime_now >= stop_time and timeout > 0: if "storageStatus" not in["storageStatus"] = "N/A status" raise NotAvailableError( f"{['title']} is not available ({['storageStatus']})" f" and could not be downloaded, timeout reached" ) elif datetime_now >= stop_time: raise NotAvailableError(not_available_info) return download(*args, **kwargs) return download_and_retry return decorator